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Conversation  ::   Cordiality




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Cordiality or tender love for others


Spiritual Conferences, 4: We do not call the love which fathers bear to their children, or that which children have for their fathers, friendship, because there is not that correspondence of which we speak. The two kinds of affection are different: the love of a father being a grave love, full of authority, and that of children for their fathers a love of respect and submission. 


Spiritual Conferences, Vol. 1, 5. I have no doubt that she wants to grasp the full meaning of this cordiality recommended in the Rules.  Once I have explained this, you will understand better when I pass on o the second part of the question that is: The moderation we should exercise in the expression of this tender love.


Cordial Friendship


Spiritual Conferences, Vol. 1, 5. What is meant by cordial friendship?  It means that it is a friendship which has its foundation in the heart.  We know that love has its seat in the heart and we can never love our neighbour too much and we can never exceed the bounds of reason in this love, so long as it resides in the heart.



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