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The “Spiritual conferences” are indeed a compendium of the spiritual,

religious, and interior life and a precious aid to build up strong,

solid and down to earth convictions and attitudes of mind and heart

as we make our way gently, peacefully and serenely to the heart of God.


In the desert of our life we need the gentle rain from heaven:

the sympathy, kindness and understanding of the heart of Christ

which Saint Francis de Sales reveals to us in these Spiritual conferences.



(1) The Spiritual Conferences of St. Francis de Sales

Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895, under the supervision of Abbot Gasquet and the late Canon Mackey, O.S.B.  London, Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd. 1906.


The True Spiritual Conferences are a collection of instructions addressed in that form by St. Francis de Sales to the Nuns of the Visitation.  This simple and familiar method of instruction is to be found in use both in the infancy of the Church and also in the beginning of all the religious Orders.  If we open the book of the Holy Gospels, indeed, we there find the Saviour of the world conversing familiarly with the crowds who flocked to Him in the first opening of His Ministry.


(2) The Spiritual Conferences of St. Francis de Sales

Translated by Fr. Ivo Carneiro MSFS


Rare psychological insight and spiritual wisdom characterise the conferences of St. Francis de Sales, the Bishop of Geneva.  Humanness, deep understanding of human nature, reasonableness and freedom of spirit make these conferences valid and relevant for all times.  It is a boon to community life today, when signs of affection find a place: 


“We also should show that we love our sisters and that we are happy to be with them.  As long as godliness is shown in all the marks of affection that we show them, God is not at all offended, but on the contrary, he is glorified and praised.” 


These talks are the dialogue on various aspects of the religious and community life between himself and the first Sisters of the Visitation Order of whom he was the co-founder with St. Jane de Chantal.  They are to be read fully lest one may miss the balance which permeates them.  They are a source of inspiration for Religious Life and Community Life in the post-Vatican period.



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