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Chapter 1  :  How agreeable all virtues are to God

Chapter 2  :  That divine love makes the virtues immeasurably more agreeable to God than they are of their own nature

Chapter 3  :  That there are some virtues which divine love raises to a higher degree of excellence than others

Chapter 4  :  That divine love more excellently sanctifies the virtues when they are practised by its order and commandment

Chapter 5  :  How love spreads its excellence over the other virtues, perfecting their particular excellence

Chapter 6  :  Of the excellent value which sacred love gives to the actions which issue from itself, and to those which proceed from the other virtues

Chapter 7  :  That perfect virtues are never one without the other

Chapter 8  :  How charity comprehends all the virtues

Chapter 9  :  That the virtues have their perfection from divine love

Chapter 10  :  A digression upon the imperfection of the virtues of the pagans

Chapter 11  :  How human actions are without worth when they are done without divine love

Chapter 12  :  How holy love returning into the soul, brings back to life all the works which sin had destroyed

Chapter 13  :  How we are to reduce all the exercise of the virtues, and all our actions to holy love

Chapter 14  :  The practice of what has been said in the preceding chapter

Chapter 15  :  How charity contains in it the gifts of the Holy Ghost

Chapter 16  :  Of the loving fear of spouses; a continuation of the same subject

Chapter 17  :  How servile fear remains together with holy love

Chapter 18  :  How love makes use of natural, servile and mercenary fear

Chapter 19  :  How sacred love contains the twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost, together with the eight beatitudes of the Gospel

Chapter 20  :  How divine love makes use of all the passions and affections of the soul, and reduces them to its obedience

Chapter 21  :  That sadness is almost always useless, yea, contrary to the service of holy love



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BOOK 11 : Of the sovereign authority which sacred love holds over all the virtues, actions and perfections of the soul

Book 1 :: Book 2 :: Book 3 :: Book 4 :: Book 5 :: Book 6 :: Book 7 :: Book 8 :: Book 9 :: Book 10 :: Book 11 :: Book 12

BOOK 11  ::   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 

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