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Letters on:

Bearing Your Cross

Love God crucified, even amid darkness   ::   Do not desire mortifications  ::   Practise the mortifications that are given to you

O good Cross, so loved by my Saviour  ::   You only want to bear the crosses that you choose


2. Do not desire mortifications

To a woman striving too hard for perfection


Dear Madame,


… Without a doubt, we must resolve again and again to unite ourselves to God in order that we may keep such resolutions.  But in your fervours, I do not want you to desire temptations or occasions for mortifications.  Since, by the grace of God they will not be lacking to you, there is no need to occupy your heart in desiring them.  Instead you should occupy your heart in preparing and readying itself to receive them – not when you wish, but when God wishes to give them to you…


But as fro the complaint that you are miserable and unfortunate, my dear daughter, one must guard against this in every way.  For beside the fact that such words are dishonourable for a servant of God, they come from a heart that is too dispirited and arise not so much from impatience as from anger.


Look here, my dear daughter, make a particular exercise of gentleness and acquiescence in the will of God, not only concerning extraordinary things, but chiefly in these little daily irritations.  Prepare yourself for it in the morning, after dinner, in saying grace before supper, after supper, and in the evening; and make it your standard practice for a time.  But do these exercises with a tranquil and joyous spirit; and if distractions arise, humble yourself and start again.


It is a good thing to aspire in a general way to the highest perfection of the Christian life, but we do not need to know its nature in detail, except insofar as it concerns our improvement and advancement in daily affairs.  From day to day, refer the progress of your general wish for perfection to the Providence of God; in this matter, cast yourself into His arms like a little child who, in order to grow, eats from day to day what his father gives to him, confident that his father will give to him in proportion to his appetite and his necessity.


Regarding your temptations to envy, practise what I advise in my book concerning these.  Because Holy Communion is profitable to you, receive it with spiritual fervour and a clear conscience.  Live always joyously even amid your temptations.  Do not do any other penance for the time being, and resolve yourself in a spirit of gentleness to bear lovingly with your neighbour, to visit the sick, and to have good courage…


Good night, Madame, my very dear fellow godmother, my daughter.  Your heart is God’s; live happy in being so well accommodated.  I am, with all my heart,


Your faithful servant and fellow godfather,




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